2007-08-14 05:56:23 UTC
I have a history of cervical diosk disease. stiffness, and muscle
Recently when cycling had a bad muscle spasm. Neck stiff for over a
week, movement gradually restored. Initially did not notioce any arm
weakness but after about a week noticed very little strength in left
shoulder, could not raise arm laterally, cannot lift above head
etc problem for driving etc. Have normal use of hands, forearms,
etc. no pins and needles, good sensation, skin warm and pink,
Sometimes get a sort electric shooting pain towards wrist when
extending atrm a certain way. Thats the only strange thing, which I
thionk (and hope) is more to do with nerve root compression.,
Occasional pain in shoulders after activity, and when going to sleep
at night. But most of the time no pain. Neck just a bit stiff, sore
sporadically now.
Have been examined, very limited reflexes in left arm normal
series of blood tests
Drs. will refer for MRI very soon
My questions are
1. Bearing in mind this is unilateral arm weakness, isnt this more
likely to be nerve root compression, rather than spinal cord
2. If so, what is the chance of spontaneous improvement.
3. The mention of reference to a nuerosuregions outpatient clinic
fills me with horror As surgery comes to mind
Any advice appreciated
Recently when cycling had a bad muscle spasm. Neck stiff for over a
week, movement gradually restored. Initially did not notioce any arm
weakness but after about a week noticed very little strength in left
shoulder, could not raise arm laterally, cannot lift above head
etc problem for driving etc. Have normal use of hands, forearms,
etc. no pins and needles, good sensation, skin warm and pink,
Sometimes get a sort electric shooting pain towards wrist when
extending atrm a certain way. Thats the only strange thing, which I
thionk (and hope) is more to do with nerve root compression.,
Occasional pain in shoulders after activity, and when going to sleep
at night. But most of the time no pain. Neck just a bit stiff, sore
sporadically now.
Have been examined, very limited reflexes in left arm normal
series of blood tests
Drs. will refer for MRI very soon
My questions are
1. Bearing in mind this is unilateral arm weakness, isnt this more
likely to be nerve root compression, rather than spinal cord
2. If so, what is the chance of spontaneous improvement.
3. The mention of reference to a nuerosuregions outpatient clinic
fills me with horror As surgery comes to mind
Any advice appreciated